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GP Assistants

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Nida Butter

GP Assistant

Nida Butter joined the PCN in 2023 and started working as a GP assistant at Fairhill Medical Practice. She did her undergrad in biomedical science followed by a post- graduate diploma in healthcare studies from St George's University, during this course she had the opportunity to be on placement in different hospitals across various specialities to get insight of how NHS works. A GP Assistant's role includes some clinical duties as well as non-clinical work such as helping GP's with their admin work and also checking the blood test results for NHS health checks. Clinical duties include taking blood samples, NHS health checks, diabetic checks etc. She is also responsible for high risk drug monitoring and arranging enhanced care planning appointments. 


Georgia Bates

GP Assistant

Georgia started working at Kingston Health Centre in September 2022, and since October 2023 she has been working under the PCN as a GP Assistant, this role is a vital part to the triage system we offer to our patients. Daily duties within this role include the responsibility for all communication between the patient and the Doctor, booking appointments, sign posting where necessary, as well as supporting the admin team. Georgia also has the responsibility of ensuring the practice is well stocked with equipment, PPE, stationary and other consumables. Georgia is looking forward to having more clinical responsibilities in the near future.


Abby Pope

GP Assistant

Abby started working as a GP Assistant in April 2024, and is based at Kingston Health Centre. Abby’s assists with the triage system that is offered to patients’ at Kingston Health Centre. Abby is also responsible for the communication between the patient and the Doctor, booking appointments, sign posting where necessary, as well as supporting the admin team. Abby’s role will include more clinical responsibilities as she settles into the role.


Ella Fraser

GP Assistant

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